by Una Hearne. The way the coaching process works, in essence, is simple. 1 You imagine what you want / where you want to be. Create a vision. 2 You assess where you are now and what resources you have. You generate options and plan how you are going to achieve your vision. 3 You take action and deal with obstacles along the way. (Note I tend to use the word vision - if you don't like this word or it doesn't resonate with you please substitute whichever of the following you prefer: goal, dream, outcome, mission, ...
by Una Hearne. In my last blog I wrote about having a vision to motivate you. I want to talk about another good reason to have a clear vision for yourself. (Note I tend to use the word vision - if you don't like this word or it doesn't resonate with you please substitute whichever of the following you prefer: goal, dream, outcome, mission, objective, desire, aim, target, intention, destination.) Our subconscious or unconscious mind uses metaphors (symbols, pictures, concepts) to make sense of the world and to shape ...
by Una Hearne. There are only two reasons we will take action: 1. We enjoy the activity (say, eating chocolate) 2. The result of doing it gives us something we really want (say, taking exercise) Clearly there is no problem with motivation when we enjoy the activity. So how do we make sure the stuff we don't enjoy doing actually happens so that we get the outcome we want? One answer is to have a vision and keep it very much in our conscious mind. We need to be conscious of what we want and why we want ...