Una's Blog


80 Job hunting and running a business

graphic-4by Una Hearne.

With the disappearance of most permanent, or at any rate, life long jobs, many more people are having to come to terms with job hunting on a regular basis. I’ve been coaching people for 8 years, job hunters and entrepreneurs amongst others. The similarities between the process of getting a job and running a business are interesting. What do you think?


  • You have to know yourself and your product/service/offering inside out. People buy you as much as what you are offering. They want to know how you can make their life better. You need to be crystal clear about the benefits you offer your target market (customers or future employers).
  • You need to know your market. Who is going to hand over money for your time/talent/offering? Who do you want to do business/work with? What kind of people, companies, organisations. Be specific. Who is your ideal customer/employer?
  • How can you connect with the people you want to do business with? That is, swap what you are offering for money or something equivalent. Where are they? Where do they hang out? (Physically or online?) What are they interested in? How can you approach them? Connect with them? No one is coming looking for you on your couch. You have to go out of your house and talk to people. Reach out and tell 100 people what you want.
  • How will you personally make the sale? What will close the deal for you? Be authentic and don’t waste your time and theirs trying to convince people to buy what they don’t need or want. Find the people who need or want what you offer first, then the deal is easy.
  • How will you behave, contribute, follow up, continue the relationship? Will the people you have connected with and have exchanged with, continue to want you and your offering? Will they refer you to others? How will you deal with complaints and problems? Will this enhance your reputation?

In business and job hunting as in life, your reputation, your character, is of supreme importance. You can’t fake it. At least not for long. The good news is you don’t have to. The authentic version of you is the easiest to be, long and short term, and it is the best. The best authentic version of you is awesome. It’s your job to find out where you fit and where your awesomeness is of most value to you and others. Go forth and be fabulous.


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