How are YOU doing? Free e-book and audio Visualisation from

Designing Your FutureTM

Welcome! Click on the icons below to download your free copy of How are YOU doing? and the accompanying audio visualisation.

I hope you enjoy your e-book and visualisation and that you get great benefit from it. I love to hear how people get on with it so please share your experiences on the Designing Your Future Facebook page or email me directly on I may not have time to answer emails but please know I read them all and really appreciate when people take the time to share their stories with me.

If you like this workbook and would like to experience more of what I do, here are some ways you can join the growing Designing Your Future community:

  • You can come along to my Designing Your Future Seminars in Dublin. Each month I talk about a different part of the DYF process and provide workshops to help you apply the knowledge to your life right now. The seminars are also popular for meeting like minded people and hearing what different people think. All information and booking on my website here.
  • If you downloaded this e-book through the sign up page you will automatically get my Designing Your Future emails. You can of course unsubscribe at any time. Of course I hope you will enjoy them enough to keep reading!
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  • If you would like one-to-one coaching, I coach for a wide variety of clients. I specialise in helping you to find out what you really want in life and how to make that happen. For more information click here.
  • Coming soon…. A Designing Your Future workbook covering the entire DYF process and including all of the exercise I use with clients, course participants and in the Seminars. Details will be announced on my website and in emails.