67 Coaching – Why now?
There’s no denying our lives are getting more complex. This is what happens as societies develop, and technology has increased the pace of change for us to a rate, I for one, can’t quite keep up with.
We have more choice and opportunity than ever before. We can study anything we like, at any time of our lives. We can have multiple careers, live or travel in different countries, set up new types of business, organise our personal lives in any way we want, have a multitude of pursuits and interests and fill every moment of our lives with activity. I’m not saying we all have equal range of choice but for the vast majority of people we have far more choice than our parents or grandparents.
This is without doubt, fantastic. Life is no longer just about survival, just about getting by. Now we have the chance to make choices for ourselves to find meaning, fulfilment and happiness. On purpose! We can change the direction of our lives and have more directions to choose from – and far more distractions to navigate!
All we have to do is make the right choices for ourselves. And therein lies the problem. A very modern problem ‘How do we make the best choices for ourselves in any given situation?’
We think it should be easy but of course it isn’t. It’s often referred to disparagingly as ‘a first world problem’. Indeed it is, but it is no less of a problem for that. We are not psychic. So what do you do when faced with 3 or 4 or 5 potential paths in life, all attractive to you, all realistic, all of which will require you to commit your time and energy to that direction. How do you make the choice?
There is no way to find this information outside, your answers are within you. You know what is best for you. You just need ways of accessing this information. And this is one of the main reasons coaching has emerged as a profession in the past 20 years. It is a most effective way to access the information which you already have in your mind. You need to get clear on who you are, what really matters to you, what you have to offer the world, and what you want – really want – out of life. This information allows you to judge the right direction for you.
A good coach, properly trained and skilled in facilitating your thinking without interfering with it, can bring you real clarity, allowing you to make the best choices for you in your life. Increasing complexity requires better skills in clearing confusion and allowing your truth to emerge. Coaching is by no means the only way you can gain clarity, just a really good way.
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