Posts Tagged ‘adventure’


Una’s little world 34. Making memories

        by Una Hearne. This blog was supposed to go out back in March - obviously events overtook that plan! But it's relevant now as we settle in to our second lockdown. The point of this blog is that we need to make sure we have good times. A lot of our life needs to be routine, to get the day to day stuff done without too much thinking about it. But if it's all routine, time passes in a flash. Years and decades condense into one blurred grey memory. The good memories you have from ...


      by Una Hearne. In a blatant act of self-care I am saving myself writing two blogs this year and instead recounting an epic adventure from 2013 in two parts. Enjoy... My friend Sinead and I (joint name Shinuna) have been on many roadtrips - generally to Spas to be pampered. In May 2013 we thought we'd do something different and raise money for the Red Cross by signing up for the Sunrise Challenge. A stroll up a mountain, fresh air and the mystical splendour of sunrise. Lovely. I'm not sure what caused this ...


68 Kissing Frogs

by Una Hearne. When you set out to do something new in life - to find and start a new job, set up a business, move to a new place, find new friends - you will be meeting new people and trying to connect. You will experience rejection along the way. Quite naturally, this is a difficult thing for us to handle. The two most basic drivers for human beings are - two sides of the same coin - 1) Desire for acceptance and 2) Fear rejection. It is easy to understand why it is ...