by Una Hearne. Those of us blessed (Eh?*!?*!?) with a chronic illness are forced to develop a high level of expertise in budgeting our very limited energy. But it's not just we who need these skills is it? It's you too. Not even the highest energy people can do everything they want to nowadays. There are endless possibilities in work, home, social life, leisure, study, travel, etc. No one can fit into one lifetime everything that is available to do. Does your life feel in balance? Do you experience peace and happiness every ...
by Una Hearne. Love yourself unconditionally - you are fabulous. Trust your inner wisdom. You always know what is best for you. You, as an individual, and the society you live in are equally important to your quality of life. Balance your choices accordingly. Treasure the people you love. Including yourself. Listen well and speak your truth. Be kind to everyone. Especially yourself. Forgive everyone - for everything. Especially yourself. Look for the gifts in every experience, especially bad experiences. Appreciate everything you have. You have a lot. Keep your environment ...
by Una Hearne. We all want balance in our lives, it's the modern holy grail. Today I want to talk about the balance between positive and negative thinking, and what we all think we do - 'realistic' thinking. When we say we are being realistic we are usually being pessimistic. Whenever I did talks about positive thinking I asked my audience if it was 'realistic' to say it would rain tomorrow (statistically more likely to rain). Everyone's hand would go up, after all, it's always raining in Ireland! However this is not true on ...
by Una Hearne. Yes, lovely friend Sinead, this is rich, coming from me! :-) However, ploughing on... We all know we should. We all want the health benefits. Most of us find it hard to integrate exercise into our lives. To those of you who do, good for you, it does take effort. We often forget that people who keep in shape are making a choice and doing the work. We say things to make excuses for ourselves, 'It's easy for them!' 'They enjoy it' 'They were born skinny!' as if we are exempt because it's not for us, we ...
by Una Hearne I hear this so often! I said it myself many years ago. Now I know better. Now I know it is not either /or. Following your dreams and paying your bills are not mutually exclusive. How it works for you and what the right balance (or even compromise if necessary), is not something you can know until you are engaged in figuring it out, in making the decisions and choices, in doing what is necessary to make it happen. It is not uncommon for clients' of mine and course participants (and ...
by Una Hearne. 'What did you do at the weekend?' 'Nothing.' 'Why? What's wrong with you? Why weren't you hiking/ biking/ going to the gym/ golfing/ running and out drinking and dancing till three in the morning?' Why do we have to fill our time with doing to justify our existence? If you have spent time doing nothing and it made you miserable, depressed, frustrated - then yes, I agree that was a waste of time. But if you have spent time doing nothing and it made you happy and relaxed - what could possibly be ...