by Una Hearne. What if you just don't know what you want? What if you're not sure who you really are? Lots of people will say you need to know the answers but then can't tell you how to figure it all out. These are key questions, you can't go after what you want if you don't know what that is. And you can't know what you really want if you don't know who you are and what makes you happy. I specialise in this area because I could never resist the big questions. I have developed ...

by Una Hearne. Do you take regular time out just for yourself? We all need quiet time to ourselves. The length of time we each need varies a lot. This doesn't matter, it's the quality of time and what it does for you that matters. It also doesn't matter how you do it, what your ritual or practice is. It's just being quiet. Still. Stop. Allow your thoughts to settle. Or think something through, free from distraction. Or just breathe and be. Meditation is a special form of time out. It can be incredibly powerful and even blissful. It ...