Posts Tagged ‘worry’


Una’s little world 30. Control Freakery

by Una Hearne. Control Freakery is the attempt to make the world work and other people behave the way we think they should. As a recovering control freak - I get it. I really do. It would be so much better if everyone acted in a rational and civilised way. What drives control freakery is fear. Plain and simple. Fear of what will happen when it all goes wrong. Or more accurately (as Susan Jeffers explains in the best book ever written on fear 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'): All fear boils ...


by Una Hearne. So here I am sticking my neck out. Publicly. I am in business officially two years and my first business plan didn't work. I made very little money and had to borrow to keep going and try the next plan. I have invested over 200k in education and sacrificed earnings in the past 10 years at a rough guess. I've invested many thousands of hours in my learning, development and my work. I'm earning now but it's not quite sustainable yet. I could run out of money. This kind of financial uncertainty unnerves me ...